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Countdown to Graduation

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you are receiving an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." - Colossians 3:23-24

With summer finally in full swing, we’re looking ahead with optimism at the many exciting things on the horizon in the coming months. After nearly a year and a half of hybrid-learning, social distancing, lockdowns and isolation, things are slowly returning to normal at Waupun. Throughout it all, the students have been nothing short of resilient, carrying out their coursework with diligence and maintaining their enthusiasm for all that awaits them post-graduation.

Speaking of graduation, the seniors are in the midst of their final six-week course session. Once completed, they will be done with all academic requirements for graduation! We’re eagerly anticipating the ceremony, which is set for July 27th. For many, this will be the first college graduation in their family. We’re looking forward to welcoming over 100 of the students’ friends and family from all over the country, many of whom have been working for months on plans to travel to Waupun for the ceremony. Graduation is a remarkable achievement for all and it’s certain to be a wonderful celebration.

In other news. . .the entire Senior Class was recently accepted into the Department of Corrections Education Department’s Tutor Training Program. Training began the end of May, and will run throughout June. The Tutor Program puts the students in a unique position to assist the classroom instructors with daily tasks like classroom maintenance, assisting students with writing projects and helping with communication between the instructor and the students. The Tutor Program is one example of the types of opportunities available to students post-graduation that will put them in a position to minister to those around them.

Plans are moving forward for the incoming Freshman Class. The recruiting proposal has been approved by the Waupun Warden, and initial contact with the outside wardens is underway. As of now, the plan is for the freshman class to begin coursework the week of November 15th.

Join Us In Prayer

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. This work wouldn’t be possible without your partnership. Specific prayer request this month include:

  • Prayer for July’s graduation ceremony. Please pray for final preparations and that the day would be a joyous celebration, and a sweet reunion for our students with many of their friends and family.

  • Prayer for the graduating Senior Class as they prepare for what God has in store for them post-graduation.

  • Prayer for the incoming Freshman Class, and that God would begin to prepare them for all they’ll experience over the next four years and beyond.

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